Man muss schon neue Ideen haben um die Leute mit Spam zu begeistern. Einer Studie zufolge, die im Radio ausgestrahlt wurde, führt eine Aktion mit zig Millionen Spammails gerade mal zu 27 Käufen. Das ist sehr wenig. Allerdings wenn die Partnerprogrammprämie je Verkauf z.B. 10 Euro beträgt, sind es schon mal 270 Euro. In Ländern, wie z.B. Russland verdienen die Leut so viel nicht mal in einem Monat. Da wird dann ein Spammer aus einem derartigen Land sofern er die Möglichkeit hat nicht nur einmal im Monat eine Spam-Mail versendten.
Eine Mail, die mich diesmal erreicht hatte, handelt von einer angeblich reichen Araberin, die so krank ist, dass sie ihre Geschäfte nicht mehr allein bewältigen kann. Was braucht man um sie unterstützen zu können? Ein Konto bei einer amerikanischen Bank.
Hier die Spam-Geschichte:
—– Original Message —–
From: „Mrs. Tahirah Abdul-Rahim“
Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2008 3:11 PM
Subject: INFORMATION!> Peace be unto the eyes that reads this mail,
> I am Tahirah Abdul-Rahim, I am from the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and an 89 years old dying widow,
> according to doctors report I have only but a few weeks to live because my health conditions has
> deteriorated so badly. My health situation has become a sorry tale, that at this particular point,
> I live at the mercy of various medications and series of surgeries which certainly cannot remedy
> anything due to the terminal nature of the ailment.
> Having realised the transient nature of live, the urge to affect the lives of those in need became
> very paramount in my thoughts but my health situation would not permit me to continue, my
> communication capacity is very low and I am under a serious medical attention so I find it
> difficult to communicate as normal. Hence, I am compelled to contact you so that you can assist me
> in completing the assignment which I have already started.
> I got your information from the Internet when I was doing a methodical search for someone that can
> handle and invest 10,000,000.00 United State Dollars on my behalf and for the benefit of the less
> privileges in your location. All you have to do is to invest this money wisely; part of the
> interest from the investment should go to the less privilege while the other part goes back to you
> and the investment to enable the continuity of the charitable work. It may interest you to know
> that I am a woman of PEACE and don’t want problem, but I don?t know how you will feel about this
> because we have not met before.
> The fund is presently deposited in the Platinum Account of United Bank of Africa (UBA), In order to
> expedite action on the release of the funds to you, you are to contact the remittance department of
> United Bank of Africa by reconfirm the below information to them.
> 1. Your Full Names:
> 2. Your direct telephone number:
> 3. Present Residential Address/Country
> 4. Your occupation:
> 5. Account Number of the Deposit: 0000765869
> 6. Account Name on the deposit: Tahirah Abdul-Rahim
> 7. Amount in the Account: 10,000,000.00 United State Dollars
> Enable to contact the remittance department without delay to avoid confiscation because the account
> has not been operated for over 3 years, for your information, I have already Insured the funds to
> its full value, hence it cannot be diverted by the bankers or tampered with. Also, I have issued an
> AUTHORISATION LETTER to the bank and that proves you as the new beneficiary of my fund.
> All you have to do now is to contact the Deputy Head of the Remittance Department using the
> information below.
> Deputy Head: Mr. Richard Danica
> Email address:
> Be informed that the Deputy Head of the remittance department is already aware and waiting for you
> to contact him with the above information so that the fund can be remitted to you.
> You are compelled to keep this Investment notice very confidential to avoid someone impersonating
> you before the bank. Please be warned!
> Remain blessed for accepting to do this on my behalf and please assure me that you will act
> accordingly as I stated herein.
> Yours Affectionately,
> Mrs. Tahirah Abdul-Rahim
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